Study the Regents

In Fall 2020 and Spring 2021, students and staff affiliated with the UC Cops Off Campus movement met on a weekly basis to research the Board of Regents, and their connections to UCOP, UCPD, and corporate interests. The following resources were created through these study sessions:

“The UC Regents Are Not Your Friends” Zine                                               “Study the Regents, Follow the $$$” Slide Show




The people’s university. 
Think tank for resistance movements 
Training school for a new generation of university labor organizers.

About the strike


Public education free and accessible for everyone - without student debt.
Critical thinking and skills - not bound to the imperatives of the market.
Communities of care and shared struggle - not competition for grades & grants.
Brilliance - without ‘experts’.

Learn your power to organize personal and social transformation.
Decolonize, democratize, queer, and abolish the university.