EVERY Tuesday
1:00 - 4:00 pm

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Strike U Writing Lab

Facilitated by Magda Garcia, Sage Gerson, Merav Schocken, Roberto Macias (UCSB)

Online education practices have drastically changed the learning experience of thousands of students. In response to these changes, the Writing Lab seeks to provide extra support to students who are disadvantaged through the lack of face time with instructors and to ease the burden of instructors who are overwhelmed with the increased responsibilities of teaching in an online format. The Writing Lab can help with argument structure, essay organization, and basic copy-editing. However, we cannot comment on the quality of the content in respect to the many intellectual fields of which we are not all experts. Attentive to the needs of our many communities, Writing Lab also offers resume and cover letter editing for both students and community members. We look forward to providing support to community and mutual aid organizations—please contact us or recommend the Writing Lab to community members interested in receiving assistance with their writing needs.


The people’s university. 
Think tank for resistance movements 
Training school for a new generation of university labor organizers.

About the strike


Public education free and accessible for everyone - without student debt.
Critical thinking and skills - not bound to the imperatives of the market.
Communities of care and shared struggle - not competition for grades & grants.
Brilliance - without ‘experts’.

Learn your power to organize personal and social transformation.
Decolonize, democratize, queer, and abolish the university.