This training was recorded on
Wednesday, April 15th.

View facilitator’s slide deck here.

How to Facilitate a Meeting Online Training

Brought to you by Wildcat Organizer School. Facilitated by: Remus Annani

Facilitation skills for online meetings! Tools for engaging meetings that build community and meet your strategy goals. Learn how to facilitate meetings so that your strike stays organized, in relationship, and focused.

Remus Annani is an organizer with the Sunrise Movement as well as the Autonomous University of Political Education.


The people’s university. 
Think tank for resistance movements 
Training school for a new generation of university labor organizers.

About the strike


Public education free and accessible for everyone - without student debt.
Critical thinking and skills - not bound to the imperatives of the market.
Communities of care and shared struggle - not competition for grades & grants.
Brilliance - without ‘experts’.

Learn your power to organize personal and social transformation.
Decolonize, democratize, queer, and abolish the university.