Monday, November 23rd,  2:30-4PM

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Abolitionist UC Reading Group

"This year the UCSC Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) chapter at UCSC is teaming up with Strike University to host a virtual abolitionist reading group for the 2020-21 academic year. This is a great opportunity for anyone who is unfamiliar with abolitionist praxis to come and discuss with others who have the same interest. All are welcome to join, grads, undergrads, and community members alike!

If you are interested in tuning in from time to time or joining the reading group please fill out the interest form. Once we get an idea of everyone’s interest, we’ll start to figure out the best times to meet and frequency. 

Our first meeting date will be Monday November 23rd from 2:30-4PM! We will be discussing a video interview with Ruth Wilson Gilmore in conversation with Naomi Murakawa on Covid-19, Decarceration and Abolition. Please watch ahead of our first meeting.


The people’s university. 
Think tank for resistance movements 
Training school for a new generation of university labor organizers.

About the strike


Public education free and accessible for everyone - without student debt.
Critical thinking and skills - not bound to the imperatives of the market.
Communities of care and shared struggle - not competition for grades & grants.
Brilliance - without ‘experts’.

Learn your power to organize personal and social transformation.
Decolonize, democratize, queer, and abolish the university.